Hello There, I’m Conor Richardson:

CPA, Author, and Founder of ConorRichardson360.com.

Trust is everything with money. I know there are plenty of sites on finance on the Internet. Here at ConorRichardson360.com, it is my goal to give you the best advice on money. Period. That begins and ends with giving you the truth about how money and personal finance works.

I teach a little bit differently than most authors, bloggers, and media pundits.

I do not believe in debt. There are a ton of sites that allow readers to wallow in credit card debt or student loans for years. This is not one of them. I show my readers the fastest way to get out of debt.

I give away money secrets. The rich life used to be for a select few. Today, it is open to anyone willing to make rich decisions and master their money. The secret to getting rich is out.

I teach a proven method. The Millennial Money Makeover’s prescription for success has been tried in the crucible of modern Millennial life. Simply put, it works. It worked for me. It works for thousands of readers. It will work for you too.

If you want to know more about me, check out the summary below.

I started studying Accounting and Finance at The University of Georgia, where my interest in finance and writing began to blend. I went on to earn a Master of Accounting and Professional Consultancy from Villanova University, where my intrigue in numbers and behavioral economics took off. And like any good budding accountant, I headed to up NYC – the world’s financial mecca. I started my career with Deloitte & Touche. Eventually, I moved on to Tough Mudder, where my inner entrepreneurial spirit was ignited. But after several years in New York City, it was time for my money makeover. I moved to Austin, Texas, where I live now. And life is rich.

Since then, I have written articles or have been featured on sites like Fox Business, NBC, The Washington Post, Equities, and more. Media coverage is great, but what matters to me are the success stories from my readers. I’m looking forward to yours.